Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sweet and Sour Mango Achar

Don't feel like eating dinner or tired of eating the same food?  Just add little bit of achar in your food and you will enjoy your meal.  Achar has always been a part of our cuisine. The mango achar is the most prominent one in my country.  Mangoes are seasonal fruit that only grow in summer.  During the summer there are so many kinds of achar are made, but to me the most favorite one is sweet and sour mango achar.

green mango sliced: 2 cups
sugar: 1 1/2 cups
vinegar: 1/3 cup
chopped dried whole red chili: 2 teaspoons
ginger sliced: 2 teaspoons
salt: 1 tablespoon

Making Process:

Marinate the mango with salt, cover, and keep it aside for four hours.  Rinse the mango and pat it dry with a paper towel.  In a saucepan mix the mango with all the ingredients and put it on a low heat on the stove. Stir frequently and when the mango is boiled and gravy seems sticky remove from the stove. Cool and keep it in a bottle and enjoy for the whole year.

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