Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ramadan Specials

Ramadan is a 30 days of fasting period from sunrise to sunset. Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam. It is Fard (required) to fast during this month. Fasting help us to understand the suffering of the unfortunate people, and help us to appreciate the blessings we got from Allah.  Before the sun sets, everyone gathers around the table, and when the sun sets make Du'aa (prayer).  Then we eat our meal.  The meal we eat is called Iftar. We break our fast with dates and water.  Lots of dishes are prepared during this time.  One of the Ramadan treats is Piazu. This is a dish we make for the whole 30 days of Ramadan. We make this dish before the Iftar, so we can eat it fresh and crispsy.

Recipes for Piazu
Red lentils: 1 cup
Chopped onions: 1 cup
Turmeric powder: 1/2 teaspoon
Ground red pepper: 1/2 teaspoon
Green chillies (chopped): 2 small
Mint or coriander leaves: 1 teaspoon
Salt: 1 teaspoon

Soak the lentils for an hour or so.  Blend the lentils in the food prosessor with 1/4 cup of water.  Add all the ingridents to the lentil mixture.  On the stove, heat 1 cup of oil at 350 degrees.  While the oil is heating up, take about golf ball size amount and flatten it with your palm.  The shape should be circular, but flat. Then deep fry it until they turn brown and crispy.  Serve it with ketchup or hot sauce.

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